Monday, August 10, 2015

Outdoor Leisure Education

Childhood obesity has become a huge problem and we should better start paying attention to it. The problem is not just the body weight, as a matter of fact, there are many severe health problems that we are might not aware of. Parents need to be informed what childhood obesity means and how should they treat the problem. Obesity is linked to many serious diseases such as heart problems, cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleeping apnea, and many more. Besides, kids don't want to be mocked for being overweighed, right?

How can we help parents to fight the childhood obesity?
 We know that the main problem is that kids eat more calories that they can burn, but parents cannot just make their kids stop eating, they need to encourage them to lead a healthy life.
It's not just the food that is causing the obesity problem.  Thanks to the modern technology, kids today are not interested in sports, they even forget how to socialize.  That's why parents need to convince their kids of the downsides these technologies have and try to spend more time with them. Support is what kids will need mostly. Parents need to rethink what kind of food they are going to offer to their kids and instead of buying them expensive phones they should start thinking about some outdoor activities that will help their kids be more active. Why not just buy a bicycle rather than the new iPhone?
Parents must inform themselves how serious childhood obesity is before it's too late.

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